Elettromondo 2017, a showcase for industry professionals

Elettromondo 2017, una vetrina per i professionisti del settore

Elettromondo: conferences and educational meetings in the event dedicated to the electrical industry that is confirmed to be growing – over 7 thousand visitors in the last edition

An event renowned and esteemed by all those in the industry that can offer useful and strategic moments of training and informative content for an industry driven by technological innovation.

This is Elettromondo, the trade show dedicated to the electrical industry, which will be held at the Rimini Exhibition Center on March 17 and 18, 2017. The event, attended by 150 qualified companies and brands offering innovative solutions and products, covers the world of electricity across the board: industrial automation, electrical components, equipment, lighting, air conditioning, heating, as well as plumbing and security systems.

Educational conferences, which have already featured prominently in past editions, will play a central role again next year. In fact, there will be no shortage of specialized workshops focusing on the most innovative solutions and technologies, as well as opportunities for manufacturers to meet with their target audience.

In particular, this edition’s conferences will focus on conscious innovation and specifically on LED lighting and video surveillance. The choice of the topic stems from the consideration that in both areas there is a gap between the strong push at the technological level, characterized by the rapid introduction of increasingly high-performance products, and the real installation and usage expertise on the part of industry professionals who, in various capacities, are confronted with a market that demands solutions of which they may not yet have a full understanding.

Established in 2012 as a meeting point for manufacturers, installers, technicians and designers, thanks to the event’s scope and in-depth meetings, the event has been able to intercept a wide audience of professionals who want to stay up-to-date on industry news.

The event alternates annually between the Northeast (Padua 2012, 2014, 2016 editions) and Central Italy (Pesaro 2013 and Rimini 2015 editions): this choice of diverse locations has found a good response in the public that is constantly growing, with a peak of more than 7 thousand visitors reached in the Padua 2016 edition and more than 4,000 visitors in the 2015 Rimini edition.

In 2013, Elettromondo in Pesaro emerged in the Marche market as an innovative professional event in an area lacking in level-headed trade fair events. In 2015, the format of the event was consolidated in Rimini, and workshops organized by exhibiting companies were added, moments of training and professional updating, characterized by the presence of high-level speakers and the recognition of training credits.

Once again in 2017, Elettromondo will know how to be an important showcase for all industry professionals.